United Nations New York Branch. Secondary research and development site comprising of the latest in cloning and genetic technology.
Primary project is research into an effective and low cost aquatic military force, initally jumpstarted by the resurfacing of
Deep One sightings in the Bermuda Triangle. The first report of "fishmen" orginates from an civilian tip, pointing United States agents
towards the seaport of Innsmouth within Massachusetts. This case of eldritch activity was thought to be swiftly ended, the use of explosives
and lethal concentration camps most notable. No information could be pried from the cultists about any other locations of activity so
the town was merely exterminated. Due to new sighting provided by Flesh Angels, we have assertained their base of operations lies within the
Bermuda Triangle. Curiously, the Bermuda Triangle is also suspected to contain the Divine Power's HQ.

While the primary focus is on producing biological drones, several steps have been taken into cybernetics and genetic modification of
pre-existing soldiers. While no tests have been offically made, an incident regarding the head researcher's wife breaking into the labs
and stealing equipment revealed our current prototypes are viable.