Hamel is alone in his church. He has always been alone. But that's fine. The first thing Hamel remembers is falling.
In the clouds, in the air and a splash into the water. He was young enough to know that the necklace around his neck meant something... something important.
So Hamel held onto that cross, inside the Bermuda Triangle where creatures unknown to the world hungered for the sane that would enter their domain.
There would always be a bigger fish staring at him from below, under that darkness he swam above.
When he wasn't eating kelp or fish that he deemed needed for himself, he had taken to exploring the countless vessels that have sunken over the hundreds of years.
From these ruins, he had identified the meaning of his cross and much more.
Years pass and Hamel has settled near a village of fishmen. He lives in his church, attempting to teach his faith to the creatures there.
Cyborg Mermaid visits him even couple of days for repairs on her cybernetics which he had taken a fascination with, despite his lack
of electronics to study beneath the sea. If he's lucky, she will bring him some religous text wrapped in plastic to perserve it from the
water until it is opened in his home.