Centipede Girl

Centipede Girl is not human. She is not a demon. She is not a angel. Every Divine Power has a segment of the earth assigned to them to manage...
She was in charge of small bugs, insects and wildlife. Rising human influnence over the world has weakened the Divine Power's connection to their
elements to the point of practical erasure. Even without their connection they are incredibly dangerous, most being as old as the earth itself.

Incredibly sadistic and brutual, she is a powerful force to be reckoned with; See Here for additional information.

Centipede Girl had allied herself to demons for a time, pairing up with Flesh Angel who was then undercover as a demon.
After saving Shell from his place as a sacrifice in a cult ritual that summoned them, they retreated to his home for him
to recover. Centipede Girl had sensed something unusual inside Shell and tried to drag it out. Flesh Angel blew her cover
fighing Centipede Girl and eventually imprisoning her inside Shell's basement.

Centipede Girl was imprisoned for hundreds of years for (accidentally) almost mortally wounding her fellow Divine Power, Clay during sex.
Clay is Centipede Girl's Girlfriend and Sister. All Divine Powers are related by being made by a single one, The Creator.
Clay was able to recover from her injuries but has been changed forever. Losing your limbs and lower body from eggs being
forced inside can do that.